4Seasons Collingwood Probus Club

About Us

Our Club was launched in the Fall of 2017, when we were sponsored by Probus Mountain View. We are a 'combined' Probus club, welcoming men & women. Our membership grew quickly to our present limit of 300. We do maintain a waiting list.

Endless possibilites

We are 300 outstanding individuals that participate in many, many events and activities. Members can participate in everything from knitting to travelling the world. And if you can’t find it, we are always looking for volunteers to share their their passion with other members.


A contact becomes a member when assigned a membership level.

Event attendees, donors, and newsletter subscribers are also contacts.

The annual fee is $40.00 per person. There is also a one-time fee of $20 per person to cover the cost of your official membership badge. If you are interested in joining 4Seasons Probus Club and to get on the wait list, please click on the button below for your application  indicating your interest.

Meeting Location

We meet for monthly meetings on the fourth Wednesday of every month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at the , and are for members only. Our meetings take place in-person with general updates, a guest speaker and provide a chance to socialize with fellow members in-person.

You are welcome to attend a meeting as our guest. Please contact our Membership Chair for more details.

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