4Seasons Collingwood Probus Club

Guess Who's Coming to Dinner

 Meet Day:

 Every other Month,
Alternating with Dining Out

 Location: Various Members Homes
 Time: ~6:30 p.m.

Hosts volunteer to have the dinner party at their home; the hosts do not know who the guests are;  the guests do not know who the hosts are; nor do the guests know who the other guests are. Hosts must have seating for 8—6 guests plus themselves. The host's job is minimal—prepare the table, present the food items the guests have brought and make coffee or tea if desired. Each guest is asked to bring a beverage of their choice, one course which will serve 8 people and will be advised of the time and address of the dinner.  No one will know the name of the host or the other guests until they arrive. 

A signup event will be sent to the membership to determine members who are interested in attended one or more dining events. This will create a mailing list for the specific future event announcements. When you receive the signup event invitation, in the registration form, please indicate if:

  1. You are willing to host a dinner,
  2. You have a food allergy

If you have never participated in this activity, please sign up, you will have a very enjoyable evening, and meet some really interesting people. 

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